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2023 Manufacturing & Distribution Industry Update


October 17, 2023

Registration and Breakfast: 8:00 AM
Event: 8:30 – 11:00 AM


The Grand Event Center
820 Goodale Boulevard
Grandview Heights, OH 43212

Manufacturers and distributors have been the driving force of domestic advancement for as long as we can remember. While continuing to lead the way in discovering innovative solutions to keep businesses ahead of the curve, now is the time to focus on remaining competitive in today’s business environment by attending GBQ’s annual M&D Industry Update.

We look forward to sharing updates within the region and industry, including relevant insights and leading practices to help your company navigate the evolving tax and financial reporting landscape. To further empower the growth of your business, additional topics include:

  • State of the Region
  • Streamlining Manufacturing Processes
  • Finding and Retaining Manufacturing Talent
  • Supply Chain and Sourcing
  • State & Local Tax Updates


This seminar event qualifies for 2.5 hours of CPE based on Ohio CPE requirements.


Mike Purcell Director, Assurance & Business Advisory Services
Chad Williams Managing Director, Cincinnati
Jeffrey Monsman Director, State & Local Tax Services