Table Talk Newsletter

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We'll keep you informed on the latest accounting and tax guidance impacting the restaurant industry and provide solutions and tools to ease the challenges you face.

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ERTC Refunds, Cyber Risks Amid PCI Compliance, Retirement Planning
NCR Breach, TIA Tax, FASB Guidance
ESOPs, AI, Fraud
Tip Transformation, ADA Compliance, Retirement Update
Tax Savings, Industry Top 10, Team Growth
ERC Updates, Tax Appeals, ROU Assets
Year-End Strategies, RFDC, ASC 842
ASC 842 FAQs, Cyber Risk
WOTC, Life After ASC 842, Commodity Costs
Unclaimed Property, Inflation, QoE Reports
$180M RRF Redistribution, Industry Events
ERC & Debt Covenants, Mileage Rates, Sales & Use Tax