GBQ’s expert team is here with sound advice and support.
Sometimes a third party is needed to help resolve unique business situations involving family. GBQ’s team of experts not only has the financial experience necessary to analyze complex data, but a deep understanding of the legal process to help you focus on what counts. In family law-related disputes, we will be by your side to identify complex valuation and financial matters and convey them in a succinct and simplified manner. Proper resolutions are the product of sound advice and support.
In 2023, Rebekah Smith, CPA, CFF, CVA, MAFF, Director of Forensic & Dispute Advisory Services, was named a Member of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) Foundation Forensic and Valuation Division.
GBQ partners directly with organizations and attorneys on forensic and dispute advisory matters to expertly navigate all aspects of clients’ marital dissolution matters.