You deal in transactions, and we deal in the best interests of your business. While real estate contracts and agreements may vary; the commitment and guidance from our team will not. With sophisticated strategies, smart financial analysis and creative solutions, partnering with GBQ will help you come out on top in your real estate transactions.

GBQ’s real estate team has extensive technical experience combined with deep industry experience providing financial, tax and business consulting services. Our professionals can help you develop financial and real estate strategies that improve your organization’s performance because we understand the complex issues you face every day.

  • Capital gains planning
  • Tax deferral transactions
  • Like-king exchanges
  • Qualified Opportunity Zone structuring and compliance
  • Passive activity rules for owners
  • Buy/sell planning and structuring
  • Property tax mitigation planning
  • Tax Reform and CARES Act opportunity planning
  • Capital account maintenance and complex allocations
  • Tangible property regulations and fixed asset planning
  • Cost segregation studies
  • Debt restructuring