Laurence Jones
Episode 5

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A mentor once encouraged Laurence Jones to be a professional problem solver. Challenge accepted.
Coupled with knowing the right questions and networking to understand resources and skillsets, it didn’t take Laurence too long to figure out that solving problems for others is the secret sauce to success in both business and in life.
As President & Co-founder of RiskVersity, Laurence helps organizations solve problems (before they even occur!) by providing risk management services to promote long-term stability. And that’s only the beginning. A proud University of Cincinnati alumnus, his contributions to both his alma mater and the community earned him the Distinguished Service Award at a University of Cincinnati’s Lindner College of Business signature event recognizing business achievement and service.
Where a problem needs to be solved, there is Laurence, crediting his grandmother along the way for instilling in him the value of giving back.