World Password Day, observed annually on the first Thursday of May, serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of robust password practices in our digital world. The use of weak passwords and the re-use of passwords for multiple sites continues to be an easy entry point for attackers. According to the 2024 Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report, credential theft continues to dominate the cybersecurity landscape where it is involved in more than 33% of all data breaches. Having strong password practices both in the business environment and in one’s personal life can help defend against information disclosure and identity theft.   

Guide to a secure password:  

  • 12 or more characters in length 
  • Avoid dictionary words 
  • Use complex passwords with capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters 
  • Use a different password for EVERY login 
  • Change your passwords on at least an annual basis 

The use of password managers can help improve your security. Bitwarden, for instance, is a free, open-source tool that can be used to manage your passwords.  If a password manager is in use, consider making this password longer in length (20 or more characters preferably) to better protect the contents within. 

Finally, monitor data breach forums to stay on top of your password exposures. is a fantastic resource that allows you to check your email address to see where it has been exposed.  

Contact a member of our IT team to discover how we can assess your organization’s security posture.


Article written by:
John Stuart
Senior Cybersecurity Analyst


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