Recently, Jerod Brennen, Security Analyst, assisted GBQ’s Forensic and Dispute Advisory Services (“FDAS”) team with a fraud engagement.  It was necessary to search the computer of the individual suspected of committing fraud in an effort to obtain key documents supporting the alleged fraud.  Jerod helped to secure the computer and copy of the hard drive, and helped to run searches of the copied hard drive based on key word searches developed by the FDAS team and by Jerod himself.  Having Jerod copy the hard drive allowed GBQ to maintain the integrity of the original hard drive and ensure the chain of custody was maintained if it is ultimately required to turn the computer over to law enforcement.  The search of the hard drive completed by Jerod lead to the discovery of a number of key documents that FDAS otherwise would not have had access to. Jerod’s IT Forensics work proved to be invaluable in providing FDAS with the evidence necessary to support an allegation of fraud.


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