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We'll keep you informed on the latest accounting and tax guidance impacting the restaurant industry and provide solutions and tools to ease the challenges you face.

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Tax Deduction For Moving Costs: 2017 Vs. 2018
Identifying Performance Obligations
Identifying The Contract
Section 199A – Taxpayers Should Be Mindful Of Limitations To The Qualified Business Income Deduction
Entertainment Expenses Slashed Under Tax Reform
2017 Tax Reform: IRS Clarifies Deductibility of Interest on Home Equity Loans
Manufacturing Minute- Three Areas To Watch In 2018
New Unrelated Business Income Rules May Raise Costs for Nonprofits
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Temporarily Lowers Medical Expense Deduction Threshold
Foreign Partner Sales Of Partnership Interest
2017 Year in Review and Deal Trends
New Unrelated Business Income Rules May Raise Costs For Nonprofits