Table Talk Newsletter

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We'll keep you informed on the latest accounting and tax guidance impacting the restaurant industry and provide solutions and tools to ease the challenges you face.

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Significant Accounting & Reporting Matters – 4th Quarter 2015
2 Extended Credits Can Save Businesses Taxes on Their 2015 Returns
Exempt Organizations’ IRS Priorities
Award Winning Year for GBQ’s Valuation Practice
In Case You Hadn’t Heard…Winter 2016
GBQ Expands in Cincinnati through Addition of Ernst & Rabe
Tax Alert: Affordable Care Act Reporting – IRS Extends Due Dates
Should Your Company Elect FASB’s Private Company Alternative for Business Combinations?
Illinois Circuit Court Holds That Significant Economic Presence is Proper Test for Corporate Income Tax Nexus
Tax Alert: The Construction Contractors PATH
Year-End Tax Legislation with Surprising Permanent Implications
Tax Alert: Pending Year-End Tax Legislation with Surprising Permanent Implications