Kevin Jackson

Episiode 21
Empower Hour
Empower Hour
Kevin Jackson

In today’s digital age, safeguarding business operations against cyber threats is nothing short of a high-stakes pursuit in the dark. As attackers continuously introduce new complexities, developments, and capabilities to breach defenses, it isn’t enough for your business’s strategy to adapt – it must anticipate. What steps are you taking to embrace the future of cybersecurity, where you’re not just keeping pace – you’re setting it?

Join us as we sit down with visionary CEO and founder of Level 6 Cybersecurity, industry expert Kevin Jackson, as he sheds light on his company’s groundbreaking approach that boldly challenges conventional security paradigms, equipping cyber decision-makers with data-driven insights to optimize their cybersecurity investments. Credited with pioneering the world’s first outcome-based cyber-strategy analytic tool, the Level 6 Infosec Strategy Network (LISN) sets a new standard in applying AI and data analytics to strategic cyber planning without getting lost in tactics. Consider this episode your compass for success in an ever-evolving digital landscape – a vital resource for those committed to safeguarding their business’s future.

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