Danielle McCormick

Episode 20
Empower Hour
Empower Hour
Danielle McCormick

Get ready to dive into the world of innovation and professional development in this week’s podcast episode! Meet Danielle McCormick, the dynamic CEO of Spiirall, a fast-growing start-up that’s revolutionizing the way professional services firms like GBQ approach developing and retaining professionals, empowering engagement and firm growth. What makes this conversation even more exciting? GBQ isn’t just a user; they’re a proud co-owner of Spiirall, joining forces with other forward-thinking firms determined to make a profound impact in the industry.

Mentored by dynamic professionals, Danielle has honed the art of building trust while challenging and motivating those she interacts with. With over two decades of experience in training and development, combined with the insights gained from owning her own consulting practice, Danielle’s expertise shines as she confidently engages with employees at every level. Don’t miss out on this insightful conversation with Danielle McCormick and learn how Spiirall and GBQ are shaping the future of professional growth in the world of accounting.

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