The other day, a client asked for our thoughts on the risks of using ChatGPT for business functions. I’m used to interviewing business leaders on GBQ’s Empower Hour podcast, so I thought I’d interview someone, er, something, with a view of the topic.

Our technology services team uses a project management tool called Hive. Hive is an AI-assisted project management tool with HiveMind Assist, which has ChatGPT-like functionality. So I asked it to “write a 700-word blog on the risks of using ChatGPT in your business.” Here is the result, word for word:

As businesses become increasingly reliant on technology, many have begun to explore the potential of using automated chatbots, such as ChatGPT, to interact with customers. While these advanced pieces of software have the potential to revolutionize customer service, there are some risks associated with using ChatGPT that businesses should consider.

One of the main risks associated with ChatGPT is the potential for human error. In essence, ChatGPT relies on human operators to provide good service. If the operator makes mistakes or is not knowledgeable enough to handle the inquiries properly, then the customer can be left feeling frustrated and unimpressed by the service they have received. Additionally, the automated interactions can lead to a lack of trust, as customers may not be sure of the accuracy or reliability of the responses they receive.

Another risk associated with ChatGPT is the potential for data security issues. Automated chatbots often store and transmit sensitive customer information and data. If this information is not properly secured, it can be accessed by unauthorized individuals, potentially leading to data breaches. Additionally, the use of ChatGPT can also lead to compliance issues if the data is not used or stored in the correct manner.

Finally, there is the potential for the system to become outdated quickly. As technology continues to evolve, ChatGPT may be unable to keep up with the pace of change. This could lead to problems for businesses attempting to provide quality customer service and can put them at a disadvantage to their competitors who are able to provide more up-to-date information and interactions.

Overall, businesses should carefully consider the risks associated with using ChatGPT before investing in the technology. While there are clearly potential benefits that come with adopting chat bots for customer service operations, there are certain risks that need to be weighed up before making a decision. The risks associated with using ChatGPT include the potential for human error, data security issues, and the chance of outdated systems becoming a problem. By taking the time to fully understand the risks, businesses can make an informed decision that weighs up the pros and cons of using the software before investing.

Not too shabby. I like telling stories, so relying on AI technology to do it for me will not become routine. Innovative technologies present the potential to change the way we work, how hard we have to work, and how productive our work is. But they always create risks that must be managed as part of the innovation process.

GBQ’s Information Technology Services team helps firms maximize technology and data investments while building trust and keeping the bad guys out. Let us know if you need help managing the risks (and exploring the opportunities!) of new technology innovation and investments.


Article written by:
Doug Davidson
Director of Information Technology Services

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